

What you pay us will be a sum of:

    1. Cost of items you buy from Mysuru Foods Menu.
    2. Cost of items ordered in Pick N Drop service
    3. A service fee depending on the time and effort spent in putting things together.
    4. Courier charges* at actuals.

*Courier Service fee varies mildly for each Service Provider. It varies with the weight or volume of the package depending on the density of the items packed. It costs approximately Rs.850 per kg up to 10 kg, and may reduce to Rs.750 per kg beyond 10 kg. For more than 30 kg, the courier charges further comes down to around Rs.700 per kg. Visit to get an idea on courier charges. We could choose the Courier service provider for you or you could choose one. Irrespective of which courier service it is, we will negotiate the best prices every time we dispatch a parcel.


When you check out from both Mysuru Foods menu and Pick N Drop services, both of us will get a mail specifying your order. We will then get back to you in two days about the approximate total charges from our side for the entire service including material costs and courier cost. When you reconfirm, we will begin shopping for you!
From the date of reconfirmation, we should take about 10 days to assemble your foods & goods. Add this to the duration that takes the courier to get the parcel to your place in your country.


    1. All communications take place via email unless there is an urgent need for voice or WhatsApp. You could reach us on
    2. Our services cease at the stage when the parcel is lifted from our place. Among the items ordered from Mysuru Foods Menu, if any item gets rejected by the Courier service in India, we take responsibility. If any item that we buy for you from your sources is declined to be couriered, or, if any item gets rejected at US Customs, it is not our responsibility.
    3. We shall try to get the best items for you since we want to be in business. But in case any item get spoilt for any reason before its expected shelf life, we are not in a position to make up for it.
    4. The taste of all the food items ordered is generally that you find among traditional Brahmin households of old Mysore area. If you want any change, we could try and customize it the next time.
    5. We expect the total amount to be transferred to an account, which will be informed after shipping of your package, within a week of delivery of the goods. We trust you with this!

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